Stuffs about me

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    18:10//Home: Action!
    Sunday, October 18, 2009 9:54 PM
    Today I had a Blazblue shoot. About 6 cosplayers were present, including myself. Shinji was Ragna, Ash was Noel (hawt), Saku-chan was Carl (cute!), Jun was Tager (power nia), Sean was Taokaka (TRAP) and I was Arakune. Very intense shoot, I was sweating buckets at the shoot site, around Kranji. I had so much problems even walking around, geh. But all in all quite enjoyable. I managed to talk to some old friends like Spidey and Acktoshtoo, whom I haven't seenin a while.

    Well, AFA might be a different plan for me during Day 2, prepare to be mind-f*****. LOL


    14:10//Home: Shocking.
    Wednesday, October 14, 2009 10:09 PM
    This post is to remind myself that this day is important, haha.

    Btw, thanks Zee for the treat at Long John Silver. =D


    06:10//Home: Soul-Searching
    Tuesday, October 6, 2009 12:06 AM
    Sometimes I wonder...

    I do things for others, and I don't expect much or anything in return. By right, I'm not a saint at all, yet people think I'm a nice guy. I can't seem to understand myself at all. Why I do want people to feel happy? And not make myself happy? Weird right.

    I don't really care about myself sometimes, to the point where I might do anything stupid(?) just to see someone else smile. It's crazy, but strangely enough I have no complains with it.

    I don't even know what I really want. Do I want to aim higher? Do I really need a girlfriend? Am I better off settling down and just finishing school and just head to NS? Or just meditate and hang out alone, so I'm stress-free?

    Too many things. Just too lazy to think about all of them.
