12:30//Home: High.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009 8:48 PM
While waiting for my newly-bought camcorder to fully charge, I might as well blog about today~
I had lunch with my parents at Hougang. I want to thank my parents for buying my new camcorder also. I'll make sure I keep it safe with me~
I almost planned to go home, but I ended up taking the MRT to meet up with Icee, lol. We walked around Far East Plaza and then hanged around from Orchard to Dhoby Ghaut. Hanging out wiht her is awesome, because she has the same kind of mentality as me. I'm getting older now, so I really understand how she feels as an old teenager/young adult. That's why we can chill and talk cock easily without any stress. FTW.
On a side note, today's my 1st time trying Pokka apple tea and the blue Red Bull can. Lols.
And I'm seriously excited for this coming SOY, man. I'm looking forward to helping out with EPIC cosplays~ >D
Labels: Thoughts
12:29//Home: Lucky.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009 2:29 PM
I went to Cash Converters yesterday, and boy, I probably got the steal of the year. This was a bargain beyond a bargain (did that make sense? Oh well). Thanks to Shinji for forcing me out for dinner at Ang Mo Kio, lol~
I got this:
For this price:
And it came along with THIS:
My last week of 2009 may turn out to be my luckiest one so far. 8D
Labels: Games
12:28//Home: Yawning.
Monday, December 28, 2009 4:30 PM
Damn, I really have nothing much to do at home. I feel like dropping by my neighbourhood mall and spam credits at the arcade. Then again, I should control my spending, lol.
3 more days to the new year, huh. So far, I've pretty much settled down with my life. My family situation is pretty much back to normal, I can survive on my own money until NS arrives, and my girlfriend... happier and cuter than usual. XDDD
I hope you guys reading this blog will have a happier time ahead as well. Those of you looking for a soulmate especially; I'll be rooting you guys on! Don't give up until the last stretch. Good things happen to those who wait =D
Labels: Thoughts
12:21//Home: Troubling.
Monday, December 21, 2009 8:22 PM
Wah, I really have some bad luck this week. Last week, my grandma got her arm dislocated. Now this morning, my dad got warded to the hospital. I can't imagine what's gonna happen in the next few days...
I feel extremely bored. But I can't get out of home because I have to tend to my grandma.
-stares at the laptop again-
Labels: Thoughts
12:16//Home: Peace.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009 3:31 PM
It's raining outside my house. Good time to sleep, but I feel a bit restless lately. I'm still taking care of my grandma who's probably staying over at my house for about 2 weeks. She's been recovering quite well, but I'll still look after her just in case.
I've been blogging a lot more often lately, I realised. I do have a lot to say. I keep those thoughts in my head, but sometimes I just want to say it out, so blogging is always the best choice to do so.
Hmm, I find kids nowadays are really spoiled. They don't appreciate the things they have, and tend to go overboard with it. Let's take money for instance. If I were rich, I'd save most of it for neccessary expenses, and the rest on my hobbies. But I do notice some people tend to get really carried away, flaunting their wealth and all. It becomes a problem when if happens often, and more likely than not you'll get alienated by other people.
I'll tend to speak my mind off about these kind of things. I'm not too direct to say it in front of people's faces, but it kind of bothers me. I may be open-minded, but not as much open-mouthed or direct.
Speaking of which, I might not see any of you guys until next year. I'll probably spend the new year's at home or somewhere. I somehow feel the need to reorganise my thoughts and change myself for the better.Labels: Thoughts
12:15//Home: Lepak.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009 10:43 PM
I organised a mini-outing/dinner with Windy and Diyanah today. She had her own bad situation going on, so I asked her out as well. Windy just arrived from his photoshoot. So we sat down at MOF, and talked cock like nobody's business. We were crapping about people, talking about cosplay, and other random stuffs too. I haven't had an enjoyable dinner in a while, although we were being cheapskates with the stuffs that we all ate, lol. We updated ourselves with what's been going on lately, and pretty much laughed and bitched about... just about everything.
These are the kind of people I'd like to have as friends, really. Enjoying ourselves as life goes on.
Labels: Thoughts
12:14//Home: Listen.
Monday, December 14, 2009 10:58 AM
Alright guys, listen up. This post is going to be either depressing, or really infuriating, whichever way you want to see it. If you're feeling happy right now, please turn away in case this spoils your mood.
Anyways...This whole past weekend is really a bad one for most of my close friends. It's like, nothing went right at all. I'm quite pissed with a certain few people too, and I wish I could forget about it and move on.
It's really annoying when someone keeps going up to you and tells you everything that a girl does to him, especially if it's one that he has a crush on. You keep saying, "She wants to take a photo with me," "She talked to me about so-and-so," and all that other stuff. I'm like, "Could you like keep those thoughts to yourself!?" I mean, yes you're happy and all, but is that really the only thing you can talk about? At this rate, you're already being too obsessive of your crush, whether you think alike or otherwise.
FUCK THAT, get a grip of yourself already.
And I don't really like it when you guys are telling me to do this and that, because
I KNOW CLEARLY WELL WHAT EXACTLY I'M DOING. This thing needs serious clarification. I do have a really nice girlfriend, but it doesn't mean I should be attending to her 24/7. She has her own clique of friends to talk to, and I have mine as well. Won't you find it stupid to cling on to your loved one all the time? It's like you only made friends with one person in your entire teenage life... Not a good thing either.
I also talked about some people about a certain topic: politics in cosplay. I think Singapore cosplay is really going down the drain. Not because of the qualities of the cosplays in here, just the ethics. Every week it's like... there's some backstabbing, bitching, flaming or something bad happening, whether it's on SGCafe or outside in the real world. Why can't we all get along together? I know there will always be a clash of personalities and all, but at least we should try to get along and support each other, not start a fight with each other. Look at the cosplayers in America for example. They may look ugly and fat when they cosplay, but they get whole-hearted support from the audience when they get on stage. That is the kind of community Singapore cosplay needs. Now I just don't see it anymore. It wasn't what it used to be...
But at the same time, we shouldn't take cosplay too seriously. It's just a hobby for us to have fun. I've met a LOT of good friends through cosplay, and we still do share our experiences outside of cosplay as well. It's like having a close bond. That's what hobbies do to people with similar passions. We all can't cosplay forever, there's always other commitments outside of it. We'll get bored of our current hobbies and move on to another. It's inevitable.
I hope you guys understand where I'm coming from, because I'm already worn out from hearing too many things from people. I myself had my own bad weekend, and I'm more or less stuck at home as I'm going to take care of my grandma who had dislocated her arm. I love her a lot, and it's not much, so this is as much as I can do for her...
And this last part is meant to a certain person. If you're really feeling down and need someone to talk to, I'm always around. I may not be able to help much or anything, but the least I could do is listen and comfort you. It's nothing much, really. I hope you'll cheer up soon.
Labels: Thoughts
12:03//Home: .....
Thursday, December 3, 2009 10:25 PM
...feels lonely lately.
Labels: Thoughts