01:19//Home: Birthday.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010 9:29 PM
Thanks to all of you who wished me happy birthday!!! There were too many of you to list out here, but I really appreciate it =D
I spent my birthday with dinner at Seoul Garden with Kageshi, Luna, Karei, Aya, Frank, Wei Lee, Daniel and Windy. The girls kept feeding me with beef until my stomach was bloated! Then we had shabu-shabu on ginseng chicken soup. Coupled with eggs, they were seriously awesome. Thanks for the treat, Kage!
Today I went out with Icee. Haven't been hanging out with her for a while. She gave me a treat at Burger King, then we were walking around Orchard Road. She kept snapping pictures like a tourist, lol! Thanks for hanging out on my 21st!!! ^_^

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01:09//Home: Shoot!
Sunday, January 10, 2010 1:20 AM
Back from 2nd day of filming. I cosplayed Harima Kenji from School Rumble for today's shoot. My 3-year old costume and wig are still in good condition, haha.
Met up with Karei, Frank and Hirito along with new additions, Aya and Kageshi. Awesome bunch of peeps. We talked crap after the whole shoot, about the shoot itself and other random stuffs. Ate dinner in Saizeria, but I only ate the soup and foccacia because it's not halal, dots. Then Frank and Aya left and the rest of us went to drink downstairs Okinawa restaurant. I had apple juice while the rest got alcohol stuffs, all chiong only. Kageshi was upset that there was only Tiger, lol. The octopus with wasabi was nice though =D
And my sister finally got me my copy of Street Fighter IV for PC!!! Thanks a lot!!! ^_^
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01:08//Home: Excessive.
Saturday, January 9, 2010 12:33 AM
I enjoyed my 1st day of filming at Anglo-Chinese School. Met up with a few of the cosplayers such as Frank and Karei there. Tomorrow we'll be having another set of shoots, this time in our cosplay costumes. Looking forward to it, haha. I should be sleeping now though; the time for the next meeting is 10am, dots.
Anyways, sometimes I'd get frustrated when people tell me things about other people, and I cannot seem to forget about it and move on. It's hard for me to ignore things when people talk about someone that's close to me.
I personally also want to kick my bad habits. I sometimes have personal issues about myself, probably because I think too much about stuffs. Even though people say I'm a nice person, I still don't believe so. I really want to take some time off, meditate a bit, and come back as a better person. I want to change to a better lifestyle. I'd want to make some drastic changes, but...
I might need some guidance too.
It's time for a change. Where 1 solution can solve all problems.
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01:07//Ngee Ann Poly: Recap.
Thursday, January 7, 2010 7:43 PM
I'm basically rotting ard NP right now. Nothing much to do, so might as well recap about the past few days.
Last sunday, I went to a relative's wedding reception. I happened to meet my REAL dad (my dad now is actually my stepdad), and he talked to me for a little bit. I met my distant little brother and sister as well. They haven't changed much, I supppose.
There was a lucky draw going on, I managed to get this:

I broke my favourite mug the other day, so this was probably a blessing in disguise: A glass mug. =.=||
And my lucky sister managed to get this!

(This was a mini rice cooker, btw. LOL)
Hmm, then last Tuesday I met up with Icee, Ginette and Freedom for some props making. Icee gave me a nice plushie, because I'm born in the year of the dragon. Thankiessss~ =D

Other than that, nothing much interesting happened. But lately I can't seem to rest much. People have been telling me things, people don't appreciate the things that others do... and whatnot.
My laptop crashed again. WTF. D=
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01:01//Home: Brand-New!!!
Friday, January 1, 2010 5:10 PM
Yeah, 2009's so yesterday. Let's welcome 2010!!! 8D
I'd like to thank some of the peeps whom I feel close to. You guys are damn awesome to talk cock with, and share the love with. Must always share your happiness around!
Here's 10 people that I enjoy hanging around with. 5 guys and 5 gals! (in no order of merit):
1. JunThe big boss with a big heart, lol. I feel lucky to have met you this year. Rock on dude!
2. DiyanahVery scary at 1st impressions, but actually very nice ler XD
3. JusticeBodoh pantat, lol! Anyways, hope you strike gold this year (if you know what I mean, lol!).
4. GinetteChibi!!! One of the few Anime IG friends that I still keep in touch with. Hope to see you in more epic cosplays!!! (Kenny FTW)
5. ReinhartDidn't see him much nowadays, but really can talk about stuffs over MSN XD
6. CalyxRocker girl, lol. Really close friend from poly, and can just chill or have a casual chat with easily. (Happy new year too! Sorry for not replying to your sms, I don't want to incur bills from Indonesia =P)
7. KazuoJEW OF THE YEAR 2009!!! Lol, really can crap around and talk about random stuffs, like a real bro~
8. VicAlways bully me whenever she gets a chance, OTL. But we do like to share stuffs can enjoy long chats too =D
9. Windy/WendyLepak king!!! Almost a Chinese version of myself in terms of personality, lol~ (And you still haven't given us Wendy's number, hehe)
10. IceeQueen of the year, hurhur. Very nice to talk to, can make me lose sleep over MSN. You should sleep early too!!! >D
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